The causes and symptoms of fibromyalgia are quite vague. Even the kinds of disabilities caused by the disease are neither well defined and nor are they uniform. The disabilities caused by this condition vary greatly from person to person.
When individuals suffering from this condition file for disability benefits, they hardly ever get them. The biggest reason perhaps, is that those suffering from fibromyalgia do not look sick. The most important thing then becomes awareness. Awareness is extremely essential for especially those who have loved ones suffering from this condition. Due to the $%:invisibility$%: of this disease, loved ones may otherwise find it difficult to understand the situation.
One must also understand that disability is not always a condition where a certain organ stops functioning. Continuous pain may also reduce or negate a person$%:s ability to perform. In the situation of the chronic and benumbing pain that patients of fibromyalgia go through, leading a normal life becomes almost impossible. The difficulty to diagnose patients with this condition makes the condition even worse.
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One thing that you need to keep in mind if you are applying for the Social Security Disability Insurance as a patient of fibromyalgia is that you should not have been on leave from your work for more than five years. Otherwise, in that case you are not eligible for the insurance.
A little study will give you the links to a number of resources online that will help you find valuable information regarding your claim to the Social Security Disability Insurance that is your right as a patient of fibromyalgia.